Value-Based Care Tech, Part 1: Provider Infrastructure
The continued success of value-based care depends on providers having the tools they need to collect and analyze data. In the past, those tools haven’t always been up to the task. But that’s changing — and just in time. Despite the momentum value-based care has seen, one recent HealthEdge survey found that many health insurance executives doubt these programs will grow much over the next two years — and 40 percent cited health care technology challenges as one of the primary reasons why. Perhaps the biggest obstacle value-based care faces has to do with collecting and crunching data. Providers work most effectively when they’re able to measure changes to patients’ health and identify clues that allow them to prevent — rather than just treat — health concerns. But that’s only achievable when physicians can collect and analyze relevant data, which many can’t. Fortunately, payers, providers, vendors, academics and others have been working on ways to overcome these...