The Best Insurance Referral Generation Techniques You Need to Try

These are the Best Insurance Referral Generation Techniques Out There

An insurance referral is one of the hottest sources of leads you can receive. They’re your friends’ friends, your client’s neighbors, and even your second cousins. The truth is that referrals are everywhere you turn. You know the opportunity is there, but you may not know the best techniques to generate insurance referrals. There are the techniques you need to try:

1. Business Card Technique

You give them out to nearly every professional contact you meet. Business cards include your name and basic contact information. Why not ask for a referral on your business card? Asking for an insurance referral on your business card shows your willingness to help others. Recipients will also see that you’re confident in your ability to satisfy clients, so much so that you know that they’ll refer their friends. Furthermore, it’s often recommended that in order to make yourself memorable, business professionals should include a picture of themselves on the business card. In a stack of other business cards that professionals receive, a face is more recognizable than just a name.

2. Connecting with New Clients

In the days following a new client being added to your book of business, you should always thank your customers for their business and include an insurance referral submission link. For example, 3-5 days after a client has joined your business, have a personable automated email sent on your behalf.

Here’s how you can word it:
Subject: Thank You from [Insert Your first name]
Hi [insert client first name],
Once again, thank you for choosing and trusting [insert your agency name] for your insurance coverage and protection. It’s a pleasure to serve you, [insert client first name].
Please tell your friends and family about the experience you’ve had. The greatest compliment to our business is the referral of a friend or family member.
As always, if you have any questions about your coverage or need assistance with your policy, please contact us.
Thank you again, [insert client first name].  
[Your email signature]

As you can see, the email above is professional, meaningful, and straight to the point. Don’t over complicate these emails! You won’t get an insurance referral every time, but what matters is consistency. Little things like a ‘thank you’ email will go a long way in connecting with your clients and growing your business.

3. Spice Up Your Email Signature

Usually, email signatures are boring. Emails signatures typically include your name, position, and company with a phone number to reach you. Why not ask for a referral on every email you and your producers send? You can include this just below your basic information with a link for customers to submit their referral.

4. Reward Clients and Employees

It’s one thing to ask for insurance referrals, but it’s another to offer incentives. Create a referral rewards program that motivates employees and customers to seek out potential customers for your business. For your employees, you can offer a monetary incentive for each referral that closes. For example, for every 5 referrals that close each month, employees can receive a bonus. When dealing with clients, advertise your rewards program through social media and email. With every referral, enter the customer into a drawing at the end of the month for prizes like gift cards or baseball tickets. Automate your email process by having emails that drip into a customer’s inbox every so often with information on the referral program and a link to submit one. With this referral technique, everyone wins.

5. Put Yourself Out There

You want to be the best insurance agent around, don’t you? Of course, you do! To reach this pinnacle of success in today’s age, you need to take advantage of available free tools. Use social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook to advertise your business and connect with clients and the community. Post often, at least once a day, to build a strong social media presence. Share content that is relatable and engaging. Maybe it’s a brief post sharing the significance of life insurance, supporting the local schools, or asking for an insurance referral! Connecting with your community will give you a good name and a lucrative book of business.

6. Give a Referral to Get One in Return

Oftentimes, clients will ask if you know someone who can help them with a solution. Maybe it’s a local commercial client asking you for recommended accountants at tax time. Connect your client with the accountant you know but be sure to remind that client that you accept referrals too. If you feel it’s appropriate to bring it up in conversation, ask for a referral! Creating mutual respect between your clients is a good business practice. This referral technique is the best way to receive one in the future.

Quick Tips:

  • Don’t ask for insurance referrals from unhappy clients! This may seem like common sense, but it’s easy to make that mistake if you put all your clients in the same email marketing campaign. Be sure to filter out the unhappy clients or otherwise you may receive some backlash.
  • Implement multiple referral techniques. The more referral strategies you utilize, the more opportunities you’ll have to receive referrals. Use all the referral generation techniques you can to grow your book of business.
  • Keep Connecting People. Connect with your clients and neighbors by lending a hand every so often. Its good karma for you and they won’t forget it. You’re the face of your business, so make sure that others see you in a positive light.
  • Keep Your Staff Accountable. With a set referral quota that can be tracked, you’ll know if your staff is reaching their quotas or not. If they’re not, touch base with your staff to find out why. Maybe they just need a simple coaching session to get them back on track.

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