A Warning on Counterfeit Prescription Drugs from Mexico

Below is a warning issued by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) on counterfeit prescription drugs coming into the States from Mexico that are causing fatalities. Beneficiaries who use pain medication should be especially aware of this warning. Also, we have a new fraud alert on Opioid Fraud and Abuse. Opioids have killed more than 47,000 people to date, and 2.1 million Medicare beneficiaries have an opioid disorder. This alert discusses what opioids are, what opioid fraud and abuse looks like and where to report it. DEA issues warning over counterfeit prescription pills from Mexico The Drug Enforcement Administration is alerting the public of dangerous counterfeit pills killing Americans. Mexican drug cartels are manufacturing mass quantities of counterfeit prescription pills containing fentanyl, a dangerous synthetic opioid that is lethal in minute doses, for distribution throughout North America. Based on a sampling of tablets seized nationwide between January and Mar...